Thursday, September 20, 2007

They're Back

It's September.

And the teens have returned in their full glory.

This fall, my second as an official, actual, degreed librarian, I have a different plan. I'm not trying to lure them in with promises of great programs, prizes and snacks. Ah, no, instead I'm going out into the community and trying to develop partnerships. So far, I have two successful community partnerships that directly involve me and one that's more passive on my part.

There's the teen mothers' program, a continuing program that I'm totally stoked about, and a new program where I get to do a once-a-month read-aloud and craft with one of the local high school special ed classes. These are both programming at their finest and offer me the relief of a built-in audience.

The passive program is a partnership with Kaplan - they come in every other month to do a practice SAT and PSAT test followed by a results/study seminar a few days later. Those folks are great, and at my most recent program, there were thirty participants! I don't have to do anything but reserve the room. FANtastic!

Since I've got some wiggle room and some space for creativity, I don't mind the less guaranteed programs, the ones that leave me hoping and praying for attendance.

They're back....

and I'm ready.


Unknown said...


Thanks for the blog. I enjoy reading it for ideas. I've been thinking of hosting some kind of SAT program at our library. Wondering if you have to pay Kaplan?



Sarah said...

Shawna - Thank you for your comment! As a matter of fact, I don't have to pay Kaplan. They are willing to come in for free, but they do require that we use their logo in our promotional materials -- not a problem!